Results for 'V. L. Chen'

975 found
  1.  27
    Influence of Combined Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Motor Training on Corticospinal Excitability in Children With Unilateral Cerebral Palsy.Samuel T. Nemanich, Tonya L. Rich, Chao-Ying Chen, Jeremiah Menk, Kyle Rudser, Mo Chen, Gregg Meekins & Bernadette T. Gillick - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:449776.
    Combined non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) and rehabilitation interventions have the potential to improve function in children with unilateral cerebral palsy (UCP), however their effects on developing brain function are not well understood. In a proof-of-principle study, we used single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to measure changes in corticospinal excitability and relationships to motor performance following a randomized controlled trial consisting of 10 days of combined constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) and cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) applied to the contralesional motor (...)
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  2.  30
    Trends in parameterization, economics and host behaviour in influenza pandemic modelling: A review and reporting protocol.L. R. Carrasco, M. Jit, M. I. Chen, V. J. Lee, G. J. Milne & A. R. Cook - unknown
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Naichen Chen, Roger R. Woock, Joseph di Bona, Laurie Mcdade, Ellen Condliffe Lagemann, Marsha V. Krotseng, Gary R. Galluzzo, Robert L. Crowson, Edward T. Silva, Sheila Slaughter, Joseph J. Pizzillo Jr & Keith L. Raitz - 1985 - Educational Studies 16 (1):56-95.
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  4. A brief history of population control and contraception.Vern L. Bullough, Bonnie Bullough, M. J. Alhabeeb, R. Barlow, A. Sen, S. Begley, M. Hager, V. Chen, G. Piel & K. O. Emery - 1994 - Free Inquiry 14 (2):16-22.
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  5.  36
    Are interventions recommended by pharmacists during Home Medicines Review evidence‐based?Ronald L. Castelino, Beata V. Bajorek & Timothy F. Chen - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (1):104-110.
  6.  76
    Review of particle physics. [REVIEW]C. Patrignani, K. Agashe, G. Aielli, C. Amsler, M. Antonelli, D. M. Asner, H. Baer, S. Banerjee, R. M. Barnett, T. Basaglia, C. W. Bauer, J. J. Beatty, V. I. Belousov, J. Beringer, S. Bethke, H. Bichsel, O. Biebel, E. Blucher, G. Brooijmans, O. Buchmueller, V. Burkert, M. A. Bychkov, R. N. Cahn, M. Carena, A. Ceccucci, A. Cerri, D. Chakraborty, M. C. Chen, R. S. Chivukula, K. Copic, G. Cowan, O. Dahl, G. D'Ambrosio, T. Damour, D. De Florian, A. De Gouvêa, T. DeGrand, P. De Jong, G. Dissertori, B. A. Dobrescu, M. D'Onofrio, M. Doser, M. Drees, H. K. Dreiner, P. da DwyerEerola, S. Eidelman, J. Ellis, J. Erler, V. V. Ezhela, W. Fetscher, B. D. Fields, B. Foster, A. Freitas, H. Gallagher, L. Garren, H. J. Gerber, G. Gerbier, T. Gershon, T. Gherghetta, A. A. Godizov, M. Goodman, C. Grab, A. V. Gritsan, C. Grojean, M. de GroomGrünewald, A. Gurtu, T. Gutsche, H. E. Haber, K. Hagiwara, C. Hanhart, S. Hashimoto, Y. Hayato, K. G. Hayes, A. Hebecker, B. Heltsley, J. J. Hernández-Rey, K. Hikasa, J. Hisano, A. Höcker, J. Holder, A. Holtkamp, J. Huston, T. Hyodo, K. Irwin & Jackson - unknown
    © 2016 Regents of the University of California.The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous editions, plus 3,062 new measurements from 721 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discovered Higgs boson, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as supersymmetric particles, heavy bosons, axions, dark photons, etc. All the particle properties and search limits are listed in Summary Tables. We also give numerous (...)
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  7.  44
    The Intermediate Neutrino Program.C. Adams, Alonso Jr, A. M. Ankowski, J. A. Asaadi, J. Ashenfelter, S. N. Axani, K. Babu, C. Backhouse, H. R. Band, P. S. Barbeau, N. Barros, A. Bernstein, M. Betancourt, M. Bishai, E. Blucher, J. Bouffard, N. Bowden, S. Brice, C. Bryan, L. Camilleri, J. Cao, J. Carlson, R. E. Carr, A. Chatterjee, M. Chen, S. Chen, M. Chiu, E. D. Church, J. I. Collar, G. Collin, J. M. Conrad, M. R. Convery, R. L. Cooper, D. Cowen, H. Davoudiasl, A. De Gouvea, D. J. Dean, G. Deichert, F. Descamps, T. DeYoung, M. V. Diwan, Z. Djurcic, M. J. Dolinski, J. Dolph, B. Donnelly, S. da DwyerDytman, Y. Efremenko, L. L. Everett, A. Fava, E. Figueroa-Feliciano, B. Fleming, A. Friedland, B. K. Fujikawa, T. K. Gaisser, M. Galeazzi, D. C. Galehouse, A. Galindo-Uribarri, G. T. Garvey, S. Gautam, K. E. Gilje, M. Gonzalez-Garcia, M. C. Goodman, H. Gordon, E. Gramellini, M. P. Green, A. Guglielmi, R. W. Hackenburg, A. Hackenburg, F. Halzen, K. Han, S. Hans, D. Harris, K. M. Heeger, M. Herman, R. Hill, A. Holin & P. Huber - unknown
    The US neutrino community gathered at the Workshop on the Intermediate Neutrino Program at Brookhaven National Laboratory February 4-6, 2015 to explore opportunities in neutrino physics over the next five to ten years. Scientists from particle, astroparticle and nuclear physics participated in the workshop. The workshop examined promising opportunities for neutrino physics in the intermediate term, including possible new small to mid-scale experiments, US contributions to large experiments, upgrades to existing experiments, R&D plans and theory. The workshop was organized into (...)
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  8.  29
    Kinetics of cubic-to-tetragonal transformation in Ni–V–Xalloys.H. Zapolsky, S. Ferry, X. Sauvage, D. Blavette & L. Q. Chen - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (1-4):337-355.
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  9. Theory versions instead of articulations of a paradigm.Chen R.-L. - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 31 (3):449-471.
  10.  33
    Attention and blind-spot phenomenology.L. Lou & Jianer Chen - 2003 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 9.
  11.  23
    L'évangélisme de Pierre du Val: Et le problème Des libertins spirituels.V. -L. Saulnier - forthcoming - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance.
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  12. Ideia suvereniteta v posttotalitarnom kontekste.V. L. Tsimburskii - 1993 - Polis 2:24.
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  13.  38
    Notes on the Methodology and Evolution of Physics and Astrophysics.V. L. Ginzburg - 1981 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 20 (1):40-82.
    Work on the methodology of natural science involves serious difficulties over and above those encountered in any other aspect of natural science or of philosophy. Reference is to the obvious fact that in discussing methodological questions of, for example, physics, so as to be precise, it is not enough to know physics: it is also necessary to familiarize oneself with certain branches of philosophy, the history of science, and so forth. Furthermore, a professional cannot limit himself to "general familiarity" with (...)
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  14.  20
    Avoidance conditioning of the GSR: A replication of Kimmel and Baxter.Richard V. Thysell & Chen-Yeh Huang - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 78 (3p1):534.
  15.  70
    Reasoning with uncertain categories.Gregory L. Murphy, Stephanie Y. Chen & Brian H. Ross - 2012 - Thinking and Reasoning 18 (1):81 - 117.
    Five experiments investigated how people use categories to make inductions about objects whose categorisation is uncertain. Normatively, they should consider all the categories the object might be in and use a weighted combination of information from all the categories: bet-hedging. The experiments presented people with simple, artificial categories and asked them to make an induction about a new object that was most likely in one category but possibly in another. The results showed that the majority of people focused on the (...)
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  16.  66
    Two hundred and twenty years of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences.V. L. Komarov - 1946 - Synthese 5 (3-4):161-166.
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  17. Chelovek, vzyskui︠u︡shchiĭ bytie: (tri razgovora na vazhneĭshie temy).V. L. Petrushenko - 2019 - Lʹvov: Vydavnyt︠s︡tvo "Mahnolii︠a︡ 2006".
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  18. Geopolitika kak mirovidenie i rod zanyatii'.V. L. Tsymbursky - 1999 - Polis 4:7-28.
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  19. Memento vivere, ili, Pomni o smerti.V. L. Rabinovich & M. S. Uvarov (eds.) - 2006 - Moskva: Academia.
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  20.  23
    Philosophskoye Ucheniye Marxa.V. L. Sarabyanov - 1936 - Journal of Philosophy 33 (13):363-363.
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  21. Ėsteticheskoe vospitanie trudi︠a︡shchikhsi︠a︡ Sovetskoĭ Sibiri: istoricheskiĭ opyt i sovremennostʹ: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.V. L. Soskin (ed.) - 1989 - Novosibirsk: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, Institut istorii, filologii i filosofii.
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  22. Sistemnostʹ ėlementov dialektiki.V. L. Obukhov - 1985 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta.
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  23.  44
    Freud and Pseudo-Science.V. L. Jupp - 1977 - Philosophy 52 (202):441 - 453.
    It is a strange fact that people's opinions of psychoanalysis are only rarely tentative or unemphatic. It seems that one must either love it or hate it. Professor Cioffi, in a recent paper, has shown that he is no lover of psychoanalysis, and he makes what appears to be a devastating attack on Freud's theories and methods and on the credibility of the whole psychoanalytic discipline. Without wanting to ally myself wholeheartedly with the opposite camp, I want to show that (...)
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  24.  22
    Henri IV, odet de la noue, et l'assemblée de loudun.V. L. Saulnier - forthcoming - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance.
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  25.  11
    Principal models and hypotheses of physics, 1931-1992.V. L. Berman - 1992 - [Mountain View, CA., USA]: V. Berman.
    Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
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  26. Ekonomicheskaia obshchestvennaia formatsiia: granitsy poniatiia i znachenie teorii.V. L. Inozemtsev - 1991 - Polis 4.
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  27. Ontologii︠a︡ chelovecheskoĭ telesnosti: filosofskie ocherki.V. L. Krutkin - 1993 - Izhevsk: Izd-vo Udmurtskogo universiteta.
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  28. The Idea of Sovereignty in Post-totalitarian Context.V. L. Tsymbursky - 1993 - Polis 1:17-30.
  29.  10
    Logiko-semanticheskie modeli v psikhologii i ikh prilozhenie: monografii︠a︡ = Logical-semantic models in the psychology and their applications: monograph.V. L. Chechulin - 2014 - Permʹ: Permskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ nat︠s︡ionalʹnyĭ issledovatelʹskiĭ universitet.
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  30.  28
    Pedagogics of the general care - the source of modern psychology of teambuilding.V. L. Sitnikov - 2014 - Liberal Arts in Russia 3 (2):86.
    The problem of modern principle conditions, forms and effective group cooperation interaction methods are considered. On the basis of the comparative analysis of inconsistent approaches to teambuilding, the expediency of domestic experience of collective formation use on humanistic principles of the general care is proved, that were mostly qualitative theoretically and empirically developed and checked up by long-term experience of scientific and pedagogical activity of A. S. Makarenko, I. P. Ivanov and their followers. Some little-known facts of history of their (...)
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  31.  13
    Materialisticheskai︠a︡ dialektika: metodologii︠a︡ estestvennykh, obshchestvennykh i tekhnicheskikh nauk.V. L. Altukhov & E. F. Solopov (eds.) - 1983 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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  32. 'Multiple object tracking in infants': four (or so) ways of being discrete.Marian L. Chen & Leslie & M. Alan - 2009 - In Bruce M. Hood & Laurie R. Santos, The origins of object knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  33.  46
    Biological trends within cosmic processes.V. L. Parsegian - 1973 - Zygon 8 (3-4):221-243.
  34.  32
    The Influence of Dostoevsky on the Creative Work of A. A. Ukhtomskii.V. L. Merkulov - 1972 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 11 (2):195-206.
    The scientific career of the outstanding Russian physiologist A. A. Ukhtomskii was complex and full of contradictions. A descendant of Prince Vsevolod Big Nest [Bol'shoe Gnezdo] of Suzdal', he was strongly influenced by the traditions and legends of his caste. As a juvenile he was sent to the Nizhnii Novgorod Corps of Cadets where he developed a profound interest in philosophy, psychology, history, and literature. His fellow cadets of the same age were amazed at, and sometimes ridiculed the young Ukhtomskii's (...)
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  35. Ekspansiia tvorchestva-vyzov ekonomicheskoi epokhe.V. L. Inozemtsev - 1997 - Polis 5.
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    The radiation of electromagnetic waves and the instability of electrons moving at super-light velocity in a medium.V. L. Ginzburg, V. V. Zheleznyakov & V. Ya Eidman - 1962 - Philosophical Magazine 7 (75):451-458.
  37.  6
    Vtoroe soznanie: podstupy k gumanitarnoĭ ėpistemologii.V. L. Makhlin - 2009 - Moskva: Znak.
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  38. Electron accelerator for energy up to 5.0 MeV and beam power up to 50 kW.V. L. Auslender, A. A. Bryazgin, V. G. Cheskidov, I. V. Gornakov, B. L. Faktorovich, E. N. Kokin, M. V. Korobeynikov, G. I. Kuznetsov, A. N. Lukin & I. G. Makarov - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay, Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 15.
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  39.  11
    On the essential identity of the amplification of longitudinal plasma waves and the negative absorption of Čerenkov radiation in an electron stream.V. L. Ginzburg & V. V. Zheleznyakov - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 11 (109):197-203.
  40. Fine hierarchies and Boolean terms.V. L. Selivanov - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (1):289-317.
    We consider fine hierarchies in recursion theory, descriptive set theory, logic and complexity theory. The main results state that the sets of values of different Boolean terms coincide with the levels of suitable fine hierarchies. This gives new short descriptions of these hierarchies and shows that collections of sets of values of Boolean terms are almost well ordered by inclusion. For the sake of completeness we mention also some earlier results demonstrating the usefulness of fine hierarchies.
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  41.  38
    The Calendar of the Early Thirteenth Century Curial Missal.V. L. Kennedy - 1958 - Mediaeval Studies 20 (1):113-126.
  42.  5
    Buddizm: personalii.V. L. Chimitdorzhiev (ed.) - 2011 - Aginskoe: Ėkspress-izdatelʹstvo.
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  43.  22
    Case 1: Rational Suicide or Involuntary Commitment of a Patient Who Is Terminally Ill.V. L. Byer, E. G. DeRenzo & E. J. Matricardi - 1993 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 4 (4):327-328.
  44.  27
    The prohibition on the construction of minarets in Switzerland vs freedom of religion in Europe: legal, political and social aspects.V. L. Bliznekov - 2017 - Sociology of Power 29 (4):104-126.
  45.  63
    The problem of error: A surd spot in rational intentionalism.V. L. McGeer - 1992 - Philosophia 21 (3):295-309.
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  46.  22
    Implicative Logics, Sequential Deductive Systems and Exponential Multicategories.V. L. Vasyukov - 2000 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 29 (1-2):13-25.
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  47. Beyond Behaviorism.V. L. Lee - 1990 - Behavior and Philosophy 18 (1):77-79.
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  48. Literaturno-filosofskie problemy v kontekste sovremennykh dukhovnykh iskaniĭ: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.R. A. Burkhanov & V. L. Rassadin (eds.) - 1996 - Nizhnevartovsk: Izd-vo Nizhnevartovskogo pedagog. in-ta.
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  49.  6
    Old Age in a Labor Society: Retirement as a Social Identity. Book Review: Arbeit im Alter. Zur Bedeutung bezahlter und unbezahlter Tätigkeiten in der Lebensphase Ruhestand (2018) S. Scherger, C. Vogel (Hrsg), Wiesbaden: Springer VS. [REVIEW]V. L. Bliznekov - 2019 - Sociology of Power 31 (1):180-188.
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  50. Mostovskogo.V. L. Selivanov - 1982 - In S. L. Sobolev, Matematicheskai︠a︡ logika i teorii︠a︡ algoritmov. Novosibirsk: Izd-vo "Nauka," Sibirskoe otd-nie.
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